North Vancouver Solar Water Heaters

Are you looking for solar water heaters installation and repair services in the North Vancouver area? Contact Lambert Plumbing & Heating, Ltd today at 604-734-0890 for immediate service.

Installation | Service | Repair

Solar Water Heaters fall under the renewable resource category. By using the sun's electricity to heat water, Solar Water Heaters Solar Water Heater Service in North Vancouverwill pre-heat water in a solar battery prior to either moving it by line pressure to a traditional tank or moving it from the collector to an indirect tank.

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There's a common false impression that North Vancouver and the surrounding cities don't get enough sunshine to require setting up a solar heating unit, when in reality that's not accurate. Solar water heaters don't need warm sunny days to get their electricity from; also an overcast day in the fall or winter offers enough sunlight for the solar cells to collect the sunlight's energy and heat your restroom, washing or kitchen water needs.

If the concept of conserving yourself hundreds of bucks in energy savings isn't really enough of a reason for you to put up a solar water heater, think about the positive ecological facets. You will be lowering your house's energy usage and making a distinction to a cleaner future!

Major Advantage: Solar Water Heaters can give approximately 50 % of the power needed to heat water for an average household.

Are you looking for solar water heaters installation and repair services in the North Vancouver area? Contact Lambert Plumbing & Heating, Ltd at 604-734-0890 for immediate service today.